Thursday, May 24, 2012

Wife vs. Husband

For the past 10 years my grandma, mom, two sisters, and I have started travelling together every summer. We have affectionately coined our summer travels as "The Girl Trip." Well, since we haven't gone on The Girl Trip since 2009 due to my wedding and, a year later, my sister's, I haven't left Kyle alone since we married. He on the other hand has been to a bagillion bachelor parties and a handful of weekends at the deer lease, so I am no stranger to "Kyle-free" weekends. (I'm a self-proclaimed loner, so "Kyle-free" isn't necessarily a bad thing).

Naturally, the girls and I are so excited to travel together again, but I have noticed several extra items appear on my "take care of this before you leave" list that weren't there pre-July 10, 2010.

What is Kyle going to eat while I am gone?

What groceries will he need?

Will he remember to make the coffee?

Will Bailey be okay?

Does Kyle have enough clean clothes?

Will he remember to take out the trash?

Does Kyle remember to not delete Dance Moms: Miami?

Obviously these are things that I don't need to worry about. Kyle isn't helpless or anything, but still, I'm a control freak caring wife.

My husband's thoughts before he goes out of town... "bye, I'll call you when I land."

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