Like most women, my mind is constantly at work. Very often, an idea will form in my head, and I will keep this idea going and going as if it were going to happen. Generally, that idea will lead me to Google, my best friend. Google will often determine whether my idea will be pursued or DOA.
Well, around Thanksgiving, I begin to wander upon several things that I wanted to do- as in crafty things (it's my love/hate relationship with Pinterest). "If only I knew how to sew," I thought to myself. So, I Googled: sewing machines, techniques, classes, learning at home, fabric, needles, supplies, etc.
Ladies and gentlemen, I am here today to tell you that I am a sewer-in-progress!- is sewer a word? Kyle, God bless him, bought me a sewing machine for Christmas, and since that day, I have been incapable of doing anything else. Thanks to Pinterest, I have found an online sewing class that is rather helpful. My major flaw at this point is that I want to be good at it right now! My typical philosophy in life is that if I am not going to be good at something, I won't do it. I have a feeling that sewing is right up my alley, but I suffer from impatience through the learning process (plus, I want to send about $1000 on fabric this very moment). However, I haven't wanted to cry nor give up... and I think that is a pretty good sign considering I had both of those reactions to previous endeavors (i.e. Calculus/Chemistry/Biology, standing back tucks, student teaching, being an Aggie sports fan, watching the Godfather with Kyle... you get the picture).
If all else fails with this sewing adventure, I at least learned to sew in a straight line.
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