I am by no means wasteful, but boy do I love to throw things away. I love the feeling of cleaning things out, and getting rid of unneeded stuff. I spent part of my time at work today cleaning out my 1st semester file cabinets and loved the fact that I was able to fill up my classroom's recycling box. I did however have a moments guilt of all of the paper that got thrown away, but after I saw all of my extra space in my filing cabinet, all sad feelings were soon gone.
Kyle and I just bought our Christmas present to each other. A new computer! (Kyle said it is more like his Christmas present to me since he is the one that saved all the money, but whatever :). We both haven't had new computers since we started college, so we were totally excited about getting rid of the ghetto tower, speakers, and cords that all old computers unfortunately have. I can't wait to dust off the desk and place our new computer on top. Good bye cord confusion. Good bye slow computer. You will now be making your way to Rockdale to live with Granny. You have served us well, but it is time that we say good bye.
As much as I love getting rid of the old things, I get weirdly excited about using/finishing other things. Examples: laundry soap, coupons, books, lotion, dryer sheets, spirals, groceries, and the list goes on. I know its really weird, but I like it when things have served their purpose. I guess so I can get rid of it after I use it?
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