September has come and (almost) gone. It seems that we have been extremely busy, yet I can't pinpoint what has kept us going nonstop. All I know, Kyle and I are currently enjoying the sounds of NFL Redzone and Sunday naps.
September Recap...
- I can't believe that this year marks my 5th year of teaching- I still feel like kid myself. The beginning of the school year is inevitably busy/crazy/overwhelming, but I started this year feeling like I had in under control. Well, until I got laryngitis... the week of Open House. Having laryngitis was super annoying. I could barely teach, I wasn't talking to Kyle much in order to heal my voice, and I was in the middle of the 2nd/3rd week of school (right when the beginning-of-the-year exhaustion kicks in). I was coming home feeling tired and emotional, and the only thing I could do was drink tea and not talk.
- Aggie football has started, and that means frequent trips to College Station are a main part of our weekend to-dos. If you know Kyle, you know this is his favorite time of year. He loves his Aggies, and he loves tailgating. It seems that Kyle thought our empty garage was lonely as we have magically acquired more tailgate stuff than is probably necessary. If only I shared the same enthusiasm about tailgating... I left the tailgate yesterday to get a pedicure and to buy a fall wreath. I love the Aggies, but I'll leave the tailgating for some cooler weather.
Aggies vs. South Carolina State |
- Becoming a "house" dog was quite an adjustment for my little Bailey. At the apartment, Bailey was allowed on the couches. New house and new couches equals, "No Bailey! Get down!" At the apartment, we used to have carpet all over and playing fetch was quite easy. Now, Bailey slips and slides down the hallway when trying to retrieve her ball. At the apartment, we went on walks all the time. Now, Bailey plays in the backyard... she has no problem with this change. She LOVES ripping and running all over the place. Currently training: staying on the front porch without a leash. Bailey thinks that an open front door is an invitation to run across the street to the neighbors.
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Hanging out on the front porch
"If she would take this leash off..." |
- We lived in the house for almost three weeks before we turned in our keys at the apartment. It was weird walking through the apartment one last time after not seeing it for awhile, but for the most part, moving in to the house has been a seamless transition for us. We love the area more than we thought (despite the lack of HEB), and I love that I don't sit in the Galleria traffic after work.
I am now looking forward to cooler weather, fall decor/drinks/desserts/holidays, and our road trip to BTHO Ole Miss!